Linear Motion Solutions for Secure Military Electronic Enclosures

Jonathan is committed to lighter weight, reduced noise, and sustaining higher loads throughout the aircraft interior. We know that engineers must be conscious of the entire craft when developing solutions for their end users, and we're here to help.


Our aluminum ball-bearing slides reduce weight, sustain extremely high loads, and are compatible with a variety of modifiers suitable 

138 series aluminum slides
e330 linear motion solution for aircraft cabin furniture


The E330 is a beautifully simple linear motion solution for contained travel in a limited envelope.  The two member slide is perfect for cabin furniture and seating applications, and is a platform for additional modifications.


The 129T is a lightweight aluminum slide that specifically designed for today’s Aircraft interior applications.  It offers an approximate 17% weight savings over our most well-known competitors and has the largest variety of modifiers of any JES linear motion product.

129 series lightweight aluminum telescopic slide
brown leather aircraft seat

Seating Furniture

Click on an image to explore the various ways to elevate your in-flight experience.

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